The coming together of selected artists from the Deccan in the context of a collective ensemble in Deccan Musings is to experience the linearity based on figuration that has a distinct reference to the cultural milieu and the city’s artistic inheritance that also facilitates the artists to engage in their own possibilities of pictorial exploration. Musings as they may be, conversations they may dial, expressions they may erect , characters they may fashion, relationships they may percept, the train of thought travels in an unreserved compartment that freely allows viewers to get in and out with ease. The local and the global impact the pulse beat, streaming a relay that is consistent to the artist’s sensibilities.
The artist statement of the participating artists is self explanatory and is descriptive of the language that drives the work. Forum Art Gallery is singularly pleased to present Deccan Musings in the context of the gallery’s commitment to extending the art of the South, broadcasting the works of artists who have settled in the South echoing a voice that is immediate like the click of an aperture that records images with fleeting accuracy. Deccan Musings as a catalyst accounts for the cohesive collectives of the Deccan, a quick reference for a sprinter on a fast track to the land of the Telengana.
Shalini Biswajit
Artist / Director
Forum Art Gallery