The Kalpavriksha is a wish-fulfilling divine tree in Hindu mythology. The tree is also extolled in Jain and Buddhist iconography and literature and is associated with bestowing an abundance of well being and prosperity.
In the current series, the Kalpavriksha is given a divine attribute, that of a deity and is depicted alongside its Vahana. Vahana literally translates in Sanskrit as "that which carries, that which pulls". The Hindu Pantheon is replete with Gods and Goddesses sporting their own vehicles, mounts or Vahanas that comprise various types of animals and birds. The partnership between the two is critical and symbolizes in some the positive traits to be imbibed and in a few the negative forces that these Vahanas help to overcome.
Apart from the deep spiritual connotation and inner significance of the deified trees with their Vahanas, the exhibition is an ode to nature. The overwhelming vividness and freshness of the colours on the canvas convey the experience and memory of an imaginary landscape which celebrates nature but which is also populated with animals that are being threatened for their survival. By their presence on the canvas the artist brings to attention the atrocities they encounter in the environment as a result of human error, negligence, lack of foresight, incompetence or greed.
Given an exalted status, Morkonda’s attitude towards the environment is reverential. He wishes to correct the wrong done by humanity by glorifying nature in his art. The various sensations that nature evokes in him be it virtue or reverence the artist has captured an ideal world of plant and animals that coexist in unison and in harmony.